20. aprillil toimus Tallinna Ülikooli Konfutsiuse Instituudi ja Hiina Rahvavabariigi korraldatud hiina keele võistlus ”Chinese Bridge”. JPGd esindasid meie hiina keele õpilased Lola Sõukand (10.c) ja Aigi Aavastik (11.b). Lola saavutas võistlusel hinnalise teise koha ning võimaluse koos võitjaga käesoleva aasta oktoobris sõita Hiina Yunnani provintsi võistluse lõppvooru Eestit esindama. Eelmisel aastal esindasid Eestit lõppvoorus kaks JPG õpilast Brita Lii Sei ja Hanna-Liina Mäitse.
Hiina keele õpetaja kirjutab:
On 20 April the Preliminary Selection of the 11th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students
in Estonia was held by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia and the Confucius Institute of Tallinn University.
Lola Sõukand and Aigi Aavastik participated in the preliminary competition representing Jaan Poska Gümnaasium. Though they had not
been learning Chinese for long, they did their best in the the Preliminary Selection. Lola Sõukand won the second place. From 13 to 29 October 2018 she will go to China to represent Estonia in the Final in Kunming, Yunnan province.
Background: the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary Students was initiated by Confucius Institute
Headquarters (Hanban) in 2008. As of today, the competition has been held 10 times, and has witnessed over 3000 contestants representing more than 120 countries. Over 100,000 students have participated in the preliminary competitions in their own countries. The contents of the competition include Chinese language proficiency, knowledge about China, Chinese cultural talents and comprehensive learning abilities. Students who win the preliminary rounds held in their countries will qualify to come to China for the finals. They will also get scholarships as awards to further their studies in China.

Lola Sõukand in the Chinese Talent show in the Preliminary Selection
Lola Sõukand got the Certificate from Lin Hang, the cultural counsellor of by Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia
Aigi Aavastik got the Certificate from Lin Hang, the cultural counsellor of by Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Estonia
Aigi Aavastik in the Chinese Talent show in the Preliminary Selection
Aigi Aavastik in the speech talk in the Preliminary Selection
Lola Sõukand in the speech talk in the Preliminary Selection